Szkoła Podstawowa im. Gen. Stanisława Maczka w Boguchwale

Programul mobilității de învățare/ The group mobility's skedule: 


Monday, 24th april

8.00-8.45. Welcome meeting with management staff. Showing around the school

8.55- 10.35. Ice-breaking activities and Maths activities with 8th graders (Sierpiński pyramid)

10.45.- 11.35.   Polish- Romanian students meeting (involved in the Project and exchange) : Presentation of each country on Examples of Nature influences in Art, architecture, etc.

Introducing the topic of the main activity of the visit and the task to do on a trip (taking pictures of nature) 

3. Participating in the lessons (with the hosting students)

Tuesday, 25th april

A trip to Łańcut (about 17 km from Rzeszów) for Romanian and Polish students + teachers (as a guide- Renata Swianiewicz) , the Castle interiors the Coach House, the Castle Garden

Łąńcut Castle :

Wednesday, 26th april

9.00 - 11.35  Workshop- patterns derived from nature Artistic collage making- with elements of plants.

Pieces of artwork by Michalina Chruściel- presentation of the student at an  Art school.

 Creating a circle (a symbol of our cooperation)- T-shirts upcycling. mish-mash 

13.00. Planting a tree and symbolic start of a school garden. Romanian partners as experts.

Thursday, 27th april

Cultural visit, the Wawel museum, Cracow

Taking pictures, making short video of presentation for the school dissemination

Gathering information for the future articles, about the hostory and the culture of the city and of the country

Friday, 28th April

8.00- 9.40. Participation in lessons with the hosting students

9.50 Celebrations of 3rd May Constitution Day, teachers/ 

10.20 Polish students-participants of the mobility (May/June)in Romania together with their Romanian friends plan how to continue and use the workshop results -designs, and are to sum up the mobility- working in teams (eTwinning, presentation, padlet)

11.30. Certificates and 

 Goodbye meeting.

Students, teachers, management staff/





Imagini din timpul călătoriei și din timpul activităților:

Traseul nostru:   

Mobilitate de grup/ Learning mobility for group of pupils

Szkola Podstatowa im. gen. Stanislawa Maczka, Boguchwala, Polonia


Cererea de finanțare 2022-1-RO01-KA121-SCH-000063563

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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